Jenon Leather – customs ordering guide
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Do you want business shoes in a specific nuance of dark navy? Would you like zebra print and pink boots? Do you dream of a pair of sandals that are just like your old conventional ones that you can’t stand to wear now?
Or do you have an unusual shape or width of your feet, and struggle to find shoes that fit your feet – even in barefoot brands?

A couple of years ago I discovered Czech brand and shoemakers Jenon Leather, which quickly became my favourite brand:
– They make excellent quality shoes using classic shoemaking skills.
– They have several cool models that you don’t find in other places.
– They offer customs AND the prices for both custom colours/pattern and fully customs are reasonable.
– And not least, they have good customer service.
1. Stock shoes in JLs standard sizes and widths.
2. Standard size/width, custom colour of leather and shoe laces. And you can choose and mix between more than 45 colours.
3. Completely custom, where you have shoes made to your exact shape, size and width feet. And of course you still have the custom colour/pattern options as above.
- Choose the model you wish to buy.
- Choose the Custom option for the model. Here Snowflake as example

- Go back to the ordering page, choose the colour you would like and proceed to fill out the options, and buy the shoes.
- Scroll down to Pick your own colours, and click ”Suitable for shoes”
- Now you get to choose the leather and colour(s)of your choice.
- Notice that some of the leathers are nubuck and some are smooth leather.
- The different choices also have different thicknesses.
- Colours may look different in real life than on the screen. I have a set of swatches of most of the colours, and in my opinion the colours show reasonably true. But some of the very bright colours are less bright in real life (e.g. turqouise which is more muted).
- You can also choose ”Suitable for decorative features” for smaller parts of the shoes. It is more delicate leather.
- If you would like a colour they don’t already have, or would like more than one colour on your footwear, write this in comments. They are happy to oblige.
- Go back to the ordering page, choose your choice of colour, laces, and your size, and proceed to buy.

- Draw and measure your feet according to their guide: How to measure your feet correctly
- Choose to the custom option for the model your would like, in their webshop, as above.
- And similarly choose the colour or colours that you would like.
- Go back to the ordering page. For size you DO NOT choose you size. In stead you go to the bottom of the size choice and choose ”Custom Size”.
- Attach your drawing of your foot to your order.
- Write in comments that you would like custom shape, plus which colour(s) and which colour laces.
- Jenon Leather will then get back to you about your options and/or possible corrections/options to your design, and to confirm your selection.
- Og så er de i øvrigt rigtig søde og servicemindede. Der kan gå lidt tid før de svarer, da de ikke er så mange.

Do you have an idea for a cool shoe design?
If it is a compelety new model, Jenon Leather will be able to make it, but price will be accordingly.
But smaller changes can easily be done. E.g.:
– Sandal strapes placed a little different.
– Have two narrow straps next to each other, rather than one thick strap.
– Making Yeans or Snowflake taller.

- Your feet are smallest ind the morning and biggest at bedtime. They will also be slightly larger after a walk. It is only a few millimeters, but it is worth taking into account.
- Consider if you want the shoes to be roomy or snug. Personally I chose roomy in the Snowflake boots and snug in J.Joplin pumps. The width should match your feet. Not too little, but also not too much.
- If you wish to have more or less length than the standard 8-12 mm then mention it. But do not add extra length just because you heard somewhere that one should do it in barefoot shoes. It is not correct.
- If your feet have special feautes to include that in your ordering comment. It could be deform toes, very thick or slim tes, or foot illnesses.
- If your big toes are very bent/subluxed (hallux valgus) then consider how much your feet might straighten out. It is a good idea to draw your feet while your wear toe spreaders. But be carefull to not add too much big toe space, or you might find it difficult to walk in the shoes.
- Jenon Leather requests the circumference that the balls of foot. If you have a very tall instep, it is a good idea to include that circumference too.
- Do you have a rounded heel or an angular heel? People with angular heels often find that they need to take that into account for ankle fit.
- How high up is the knucle placed? If it is higher or lower than usual, you can mention that.
Answered by Jan of Jenon Leather

– Are there any limits to what kind of customs people can order? Bigger than 48 or smaller than 36? Children’s sizes? Different sized feet? For disabilities/deformed feet?
We do not make children’s shoes at this time. So for sizes below 36, a custom mold would have to be custommade. The price is about 130EUR.
We have ready-made sizes up to size 49. After that, there are about 1-2 sizes where the mould can be extended with a cork or leather. The larger sizes are then like the children’s sizes (130EUR cca)
– If someone has their own idea for footwear, something that you don’t make, can they be ordered?
Yes it can be done that way. The price will be corresponding.
– Can you make changes to models you already have? Like a taller Snowflake or Gladiators with straps placed in a different way?
Yes this is much easier than inventing a completely new pattern.
– Is it possible to get a different type of sole than the one the shoes would otherwise have? Like ones with deeper thread? Or thinner?
Yes it is possible.
– Can one order a set of samples of the types/colours of leather that you have?
Yes I will be happy to send them.
– Can people order express production for an additional cost?
Yes it costs doble and it is 10 day to shipping.
– Will you deliver outside of Europe?
We also ship individually outside of Europe [meaning it will be the actual cost rather than their standard cost for shipping].