Større brystomkreds i kjole – Increasing bust width in dress
My breasts grow. About half a cup size a year. And it is impractical because I grow out of my clothes, but only at the bust.
I first refashioned this dress in 2015:
Året efter, i 2016, var jeg nødt til at indsætte ekstra stof for at kunne passe den om brysterne. Jeg valgte at indsætte blondeelastik, som passede godt til kjolen, i siderne.
Next year, 2016, I had to add extra fabric to be able to continue to fit into the dress at the bust. I chose to insert lace elatic at the sides.
Blogpost om 2. tilpasning
Og nu i år, 2019, var det tid igen. Før:
Now, in 2019, it was time to alter the dress again. Before:
Jeg klippede kjolen op bagpå lige udenfor hver strop.
I cut slits at the back just outside each strap.
Og indsatte samme slags blondeelastik, som jeg havde indsat i siderne tilbage i 2016.
And I inserted the same kind of lace elastic I had put at the sides, back i n 2016.
Desuden syede jeg et stykke elastikblonde på udskæringen foran, for nu hvor min volumen er større, var min kavalergang en anelse mere fremtrædende, end jeg følte mig godt tilpas med.
I also sewed a piece of the lace elastic on the front neckline. Now that my bust is considerably larger, my cleavage was more prominent that I felt comfortable with.
Nu kan jeg igen bruge kjolen…når det bliver sommer igen.
Now I can use the dress again… when it becomes summer again (summer has just ended).