A skabe mere hofterum i en kjole
This dress was as such nice, but what you can’t quite see on the photo, is that the dress was uncomfortably tight around my hips. If wrinkled there and was annoying when I sat down.
Ryggen sad heller ikke så godt på mig, fordi kjolen var for smal om hofterne.
The bodice back didn’t fit well because the dress was too small around my hips.
Hvad gør man så? Adskiller top og underdel fra hinanden og fjerner et stykke af underkanten fra toppen. Eftersom underdelen bliver bredere nedefter, gjorde det at der blev mere plads til hofterne. Jeg fjernede mere bagpå end foran, da jeg er svajrygget.
What do you do then? I separated top and skirt, and then removed a section of fabric from the bottom of the bodice. Since the skirt becomes wider downwards, this created more hip room. I removed more fabric in the back of the bodice than in the front, since I have a swayback.
Og så syede jeg de to dele sammen igen. Da jeg adskilte kjolens to dele, var jeg nødt til at fjerne den elatisk, der sad i taljen. Den erstattede jeg med en ny elastik.
Nu er kjolen meget rarere at have på. Længden er også mere praktisk.
And then I stitched the two pieces back together. When I separated the two pieces of the dress, I had to remove the waist elastik. I put in a new one now.
Now the dress is much more comfortable, and the length also more practical.
Et bælte klæder den.