Low FODMAP rå rødkålssalat (red cabbage salad)

250-350 g rødkål
1 dåse ananas
1 appelsin
1 banan
50 g tranebær

4 spsk olie
1 spsk sirip
Saften af 1 appelsin
Saften af op til ½ citron

Skær rødkålen i meget tynde stykker og skær dem i mindre bidder.
Skær ananas og appelsin i små stykker.
Bland rødkål, ananas- og appelsinstykker og tranebær.
Bland ingredienserne til dressingen, smag til med citron, og bland dressingen i salaten.
Lad det stå mindst 1 time og trække. Det kan sagtens laves dagen før brug.

Lige inden servering skæres bananen i skiver og kommes i (den bliver
smattet, hvis den kommes i for længe), og der kommes en håndfuld
valnøddekerner øverst som pynt.

In English:
This salad is for Yul/Christmas, it complements the julefood perfectly. I
make a huge bowl of it every year to eat during the holidays.
It will keep for 3-5 days since it cabbage and not leaf salad.

Red Cabbage Salad
250-350 g red cabbage
1 small can of pineapple
1 orange
1 banana
50 g cranberries

4 tbsp oil
1 tbsb syrup
the juice from 1 orange
the juice from up to ½ lemon

Slice the red cabbage thinly and chop it into smallish pieces.
Chop the pineapple and the orange into small pieces.
Mix red cabbage, pineapple, orange and raisins.
Make the dressing and mix salad and dressing. Let set for at least 1 hour, or can be made the day before.

Just before serving slice the banana into slices ½ cm thick and mix with
the salas (the banana becomes mushy if mixed into the salad before) and
sprinkle with walnuts. Enjoy!

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