Omsyning #4.4. Tasker: Top til posetaske.
Silk, sequins, lovely colour, but I just didn’t use this lovely top. I decided to make it into a bucket bag. Bucket bags are a simple shape, and you can relatively make many types of clothing items into suck one.

It already had a lining. Less work for me.

How should it look? I imagined something like this. The handles are from an old, worn out, bag. I turned the top upside down, so the sequin edge was at the top.
I cut the fabric to make it rectangular, and sewed up the sides.

I used the leftovers to make the bottom of the bag. You can either make a square or a round bottom, the process is the same
And then I sewed the bottom to the bag
Så bankede jeg sejlringe i hele vejen rundt og trak et sort bånd fra gemmerne igennem.
I put in grommets all the way around below the sequin edge and pulled black ribbon from my stash through it.
Da stoffet er blødt, valgte jeg at lave en bund til at afstive tasken lidt. Jeg fandt et stykke bævernylon i gemmerne og syede en firkant, som jeg kom et stykke pap i. Og syede firkanten til.
The fabric is soft so I made a base of a piece of cardboard and some heavy outdoor fabric.

Dejlig taske med lidt boho vibe.
A lovely bit of boho chic.