Babykyse med håndbroderi/ Hand Embroidered Baby Bonnet (or coif)

Lige en hurtig post:
Jeg har lavet en babykyse:

Den er i tre dele, her set fra nakken:

Både det blå silkefoer og det blå og brunrøde garn, har jeg selv plantefarvet. Jeg er ret vild med broderiet, men tror at det vil være bedre med lidt “fladere” broderi på kommende kyser.
Silken var komplet umulig at arbejde med, det skøjtede rundt. Resten af det bliver lagt langt væk for en tid…..

Det var turbohyggeligt at nørkle den, og det tog kun en aften. Jeg tror jeg kommer til at lave en masse flere, men dog større end denne, der vist er str. 50 (Det var ikke helt meningen, men jeg glemte sømrum ). Godt jeg har så mange veninder, der er gravide/har babyer lige nu, en herlig undskyldning for baby-nørklerier.

In English:
Follows tonight….
And at few days later…vandy, you are my memory 😉 Sometimes I forget that there actually are people that are reading this blog. It’s so specialized in theme, that sometimes I think that it is just my four closest friends and my mother that reads it ;D.
Here goes:

I have made a baby coif (picture1).
It is in three parts, here seen from the neck (picture2)

I have plant dyed both the blue silk lining, and the blue and redbrown garn. I really like the embroidery, but I think it woulb be better with at “flatter” embroidery on future coifs.
The silk was completely impossible to work with, it was swushing/skating/sliding around. The rest will be put away for a while .

It was very fun to make this, and it only took one night. I think I will be making more of these, but bigger that this one, that I think is a size 50 (small newborn). I didn’t mean to make it this small, but I forgot the seam allowance…. . A good thing that I have so many friends that are pregnant/having little babies at the moment, what a great excuse for baby crafts


  • Yes.
    I'm reading your blog and enjoying it.

  • Wow! Nights must be really long up there at this time of year…we’re still faithfully waiting for the English!

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